Sunday, May 18, 2014

18 Mayo

Good Sabbath today. Some of the brothers we visited this week cam to Sacrament Meeting. None stayed for other meetings. We will keep visiting and inviting and hopefully, more will come back and hopefully we can help a good many commit to the Gospel.

President Guilingen and I went out today. We met one brother and got an appointment to meet him next Saturday. He seemed reluctant to even talk to us, but he agreed to next Saturday. We visited a brother that is a counselor in the Elder's Quorum who has not been attending. He promised to get back starting next Sunday. It is amazing how easy it is to fall away.

The weather is getting into a pattern. It is clear in the morning and get to about 95 Fahrenheit and 86% humidity . . . then it clouds up and dumps rain and clears up in the evening and most all night. Then, we are told, in June it will just rain ad rain and rain. Not looking very forward to that. This rain in a nice break, but it doesn't cool anything off at all.I'm not sure if I am losing weight, or just melting.

We got word that Lorna was interviewed for baptism today. She will be baptized next Saturday morning. I have been invited to speak. It is an honor and we look forward to participating. We will attend at Hamtic next Sunday to see her confirmed. This could be the start of something big in the hills of Hamtic. Elder Catabuando and Elder Christensen taught her for many weeks, then transfers. It is a baptism for the Hamtic Branch . . . The Lord will be/is pleased with the efforts of the Elders and members.

Some random pics from today:
Raining like a cow peeing on a flat rock. 
Not really out of focus, but the rain blurred the lens. It was drenching these two on the left.
Earlier in the day, looking over the abandoned airport walls. The clouds were just heading up.

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