Monday, January 12, 2015

P-Day ang 12Enero

Dead day. We got up and had a good walk at he Binarayan track. It is a provincial facility with a concrete floor gym for basketball and a soccer field and several outdoor courts for basketball, tennis, volleyball and badminton (weird spelling). The track was very nice, at one time. It is rubberized, but it has been torn and mis-treated over time. The folks living around the track like to burn garbage in the mornings, so it is often unpleasant. This morning it was bad. 

had my linguahe lesson with Pres. Amar and we had a good discussion about why branch presidents and bishops have to visit the members in their boundaries and get to know the people so they can approve home teaching assignments and watch over their flock. Until Antique has this kind of leadership they will never be a stake. It all starts with leadership...

Sister S did laundry for the Sisters today. I painted for a few minutes. We went to lunch at Santiago's. A bunch of Elders came in and decided the prices were too high for their budgets. We offered to sponsor lunch, but they turned us down. We have never had that happen before, anywhere. Not sure why. . . They may not like us, they weren't thinking clearly, they were shy, or ???

We took a nap, we read the BoM, and that is it. BORING.....

Oops. Wishful thinking/dreaming.
San Remigio
Road by the San Jose Missionary apartments. I may try a watercolor of this. Tomorrow we have district meeting and I will get the truck washed. That is about it for plans beside study. 

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