Marso 21
We walked this morning. In the middle, I had to hit the restroom. They are marked "he
"He", "she". They were locked. I asked around and there were some open along the other side of the track. There are no doors, no toilet paper, no toilet seats, but there is a huge bucket of water to wash ones self and to poor in to flush. Fortunately a carried some wipes with me this morning, in case. I will start doing so as a habit.
We delivered media to the elders this morning. Then we were dead out of things to do. The AP's stopped over and brought me a book to study Tagalog and a Preach My Gospel in Tagalog. I contacted the MTC and should start studying Tagalog Monday. There are so many dialects that I decided that Tagalog is sort of the base language, so that is where I'm heading.
Sister Sessions cooked an American breakfast for Elder Stacy and Elder Matalang. She cooked bacon, eggs, and hot cakes. Elder Stacey was totally familiar, but Elder Matalang used no butter and a tiny dribble od syrup on his cake. Then he ate another with nothing. He ate a goodly share of bacon. It was fun to have them and they helped us set up the magic jack. We tried to call Amy, but got her answering machine. We think it will work though.
Sister Sessions is speaking in church Sunday, so she is in preparation mode and not much company. I read scriptures and studied Tagalog and took a nap. We went to Chow King for dinner. I had noodles and Sister S. Had sweet and sour and pansit and rice. We had coke zero and it came to 230 pesos, about $4.25. Everyone was getting off work and school kids were heading home. Hence the traffic. Trikes were solid. (See pic)
We took a little ride to Hamtic, about 5 kilometers south and found a little beach where fishermen pull their boats out. I tried to get some pics, but it was too dark. I did get a little sunset over the palms.
We found a farmer's/fishermen's market on the way back. It was clean and fun. A lady tried to sell us about everything, but we ended up buying half a Dorado for about 70 cents. I filleted it and will try some for breakfast. Dorado is supposed to be great. I hope so. The fishermen's wives sell fish along the highway. We hope to eat a good deal of fish as it is a dang good deal and fresh. They have about everything. I want to get a little training on shelling and cooking fresh shrimp.
Power went off a free minutes ago. The whole town was dark. The trikes don't turn on their lights anyway. They thing it gets them better gas mileage. I bet they turned on their lights during our little black out. Well, that's Friday. . .
Elder Sessions....something is wrong with the picture posting. They are just coming up little black squares with an x through them. There have only been a few that have worked. Just so you know.