Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Day

We drove north to Libertad to spend a few days. We assumed the noise level at the house where we stay in San Jose would be unbearable. We came to the Phiedon Beach Resort. It is very nice up here. There are way fewer people and the area is very clean. We will drive up to Boracay this morning and look.

The weather had cleared in San Jose, so when we left yesterday it was quite sunny. We drove back into the Baggio, but we like it because it is cooler. The wind feels good and the rain. It sort of hampers resorters, but there are few here. There is a good resto here and we had a huge New Years Eve dinner last evening. I ate too late, 9pm, and don't feel so well this morning, but it was good. I ate too much meat. Back on the veggies today, but if we find some good sea food, I may indulge once again. 

Hope all have a fine, prosperous, Christ centered 2015. We pray for blessings for our family, immediate and extended family. We know those things upon which blessings are predicated. 

We are believers, and sometimes doers. We love God the Father, God The Lord and Master Jesus Christ and God the Holy Ghost. We know they are three seperate beings. We pray that God the Holy Ghost will minister to us and to our family and to those struggling to share the Gospel here, and all over this marvelous Earth.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Martes ang 30 Decyembre

Yesterday was P-day. We did nothing except washing for the Sisters and I painted a bit. We walked. It has been windy and quite pleasant. There is a Baggio coming through. It is likely messing up the Binarayan celebration for today. I fixed the rice cooker yesterday.

The missionaries cancelled the district meetings for today and Pres. Amar cancelled our language lesson. I was up at 5, studying, so I don't mind. I have a really good book on Tagalog, but a very weak memory.

So, today, I plan to get a haircut and some supplies. I don't know what Sister S is planning. I will probably paint more and if it stops raining, going on about 15 hours now, we will walk at Hamtic Beach this evening. 

I finished the Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price yesterday. Started the New Testament again this morning. That was the first time I read the complete D&C. I really liked it and had many spiritual times in the study and I learned a lot. 

Pres. Aquino has scheduled a Cluster Meeting to train branch leadership on Saturday. I am not optimistic that there will be a good turn-out for the meeting. Nothing changes. . . The church drags behind. I know that the members here do not know how the church actually operates and they are missing the blessings of the Lords Church by living so far below potential. It is a mystery to us, and we have been able to do so little, perhaps nothing, to improve the situation. . . Agency being what it is. . .

Here is my finished painting from yesterday. I like it, but will do it again, til I get what I want. The photographs do not give a good representation, but it is still weak. As with most art, there parts that came out well.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sabado ang 27 Decyembre

We walked this morning, had breakfast, and Sister S started laundry for the traveling AP's. I painted  a little. We waited to leave to Malandog for the re-enactment of the landing of the Datu on the island of Panay. According to the downtown schedule of Binarayan events, it was to start at 1:00. We thought it might start on time as it is a provincial highlight. Wrongo . . . .

The Legend of Maragtas: The Ten Bornean Datus and the Purchase of Panay

The barter or purchase of Panay Island from the Ati,  by the 10 Bornean datus (kings, noblemen, rich fortune seekers) from Ati King Marikudo during the first half of the 13th Century in Sinugbuhan, San Joaquin in southern Iloilo. The landing of the datu is thought to have been at Malandog, in what is now Hamtic.

Injustice, tyranny, and cruelty drove the ten datus of Borneo to flee from their country–escaping the oppressive rule of the despotic Sultan Makatunao. They silently and secretly boarded their binidays (boats) and sailed along the coasts of Paragua (Palawan). In the course of their northward journey, they sighted the island of Panay and steered their boats towards it until they reached the mouth of Sirwagan River north of the hamlet of Sinugbuhan which was the abode of King Marikudo. There they saw an Ati fishing in the creek from whom they learned about Marikudo, his kingdom and his people.

The Borneans gained audience with Marikudo, who first acted with caution and restraint having had undesirable experiences with Moro pirates. Datu Puti, however, expressed his desire to befriend the natives and their intention to settle in the land permanently, possibly at the site of Marikudo’s settlement.
The offer interested Marikudo who gathered his men to discuss the terms of the offer and ordered them to prepare a feast. When everything was ready, a banquet was held in which the Borneans and the natives danced and played musical instruments. They beat their drums and played on their “mangmang”, “gurong-gurong” and “subling”. In return, the Negritos danced their “urokoy” and their “undok-undok”.

When the feast was over, Marikudo’s elders and the ten datus sat down to discuss the terms of the purchase. The famous barter was then held at Embidayan at the seashore near the mouth of the Sinugbuhan River, in the neighborhood of what is now Malangog Barangay, on the inter-provincial highway.
The new settlers moved in three days after the barter, with the exception of Datu Paiburong and his wife and followers, who settled separately in a place now called Lang in Dueñas, Iloilo.

From Sinugbuhan, the datus spread out to different places of Madia-as, the -name they substituted for Aninipay (Panay). To Datu Sumakwel was assigned Hamtik (Antique); Datu Bangkaya, Aklan; and Datu Paiburong , Irong-Irong (Iloilo). Datu Puti returned to Borneo and fought Datu Makatunao.

Marikudo’s territory costs one golden “saduk”, a sort of helmet or broad-rimmed hat which gives protection to the face from sun and rain; and one golden necklace which Marikudo’s wife Maniwantiwan preferred over the gold basin Datu Puti first offered. There are contentions, however, that the price was not a golden “saduk” but rather a ”saduk” full of gold. Followers of this point of view say that it was rather impractical for the Borneans to be wearing a golden hat which was heavy.

All this is folklore, but it is interesting and fun.
We parked in the barangay and road trikes to the beach site of the re-enactment. Sister Sessions' driver laughed all the way. My guy was about twice his age and had to haul the fat boy. No laughing. They only wanted 10 pesos each. We gave them a healthy tip and they enjoyed that.

Datu approaching.

Ati (and two photographers) cavorting on the beach. The photographers (there were many) sort of ruined the show.

One datu steps on land. Then he fell on his face and hugged the earth and rose, throwing sand to the right and left. Not sure of the significance.
 The sun got really hot. When we went and arrived in Malandog, the sky was overcast and we feared rain. It did not rain, but cleared. We got there at 12:30 thinking we were 30 minutes early according to the schedule of events downtown San Jose. We wanted to find a place to sit. We did so, but nothing started until 3:10. We watched as long as we could stand, but the sun drove us out. We didn't see the whole show, but . . .

"Filipino time" Sucks. It is a great drawback to being here. What a monumental waste of time. . . always being late.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Christmas in the Philippines is definitely different. The city of San Jose was absolutely bustling on the 24th and things started to slow down at dark. We heard some fireworks, but things were pretty quiet. The missionaries were told to be in their apartments by 7:00 pm. I went to buy some chickens for Christmas dinner, in case we didn't have enough turkey.

About 10:00 pm, the text messages started coming in from missionaries, members, leaders and friends. It was really fun. Nobody came to carol. Sister Palma's daughter shared some Christmas goodies with us and we just had a quiet evening.

Christmas morning we received a few more texts and we face timed with a few of the kids. We will do more today I think. Sister Sessions cooked All Day. I think she had fun, but now her feet and legs are killing her from standing on the tile all day. She had the house heated up so much that she had to take little breaks and sit in front of the aircon in the bedroom periodically.

The missionaries had baptisms and then came over at about 4:00. We ate and had a good devotional. It was a pretty nice day, but I am pleased it is over actually. I enjoyed the company more than I thought I would and the Sisters and Elder Robertson and Elder Egama sat in the front room and sang hymns softly while others cleaned-up. It was very pleasant.

This morning I go to Hamtic to a beach resort where the young men and young women are holding a camp-out. I am to speak to them about standards and camping. I have several things on my mind, but have not arrived at just what I will share yet. Hoping the Spirit will direct.

Somehow Sisters Smith and Haun didn't make it into any photos. I will try harder.

It rained a little during our devotional. I like the rain, but it will make it humid (more humid) today.
Poor photo, but Siter Smith and Haun helping Sister S. Elder Panganiban visited with them. Yes, that is a purple book bag around his shoulder. He loves purple. Purple ties abound.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Martes ang 23rd

District meetings this morning. Elder Chapman, our new DL, did a nice job. He used the scriptures and that usually insures a good lesson and lively discussion.

It was hot today, like when we first came. We did okay. We took the Hamtic Elders to visit James, and James is back on track to be baptized. We are praying for him.

Sister S invited the missionaries from the zone to Christmas dinner. It should be fun. We will have a little devotional as well. It just does not seem like any Christmas I have ever experienced. We will make it, and we love reading about all the preparation going on at home. 

Yesterday we went to Iloilo for groceries, to take receipts to the mission office, and just to have something to do. We had lunch at Day Inn. That was nice. Traffic was crazy. Christmas rushing around. 

Not much to tell. I finished a watercolor of missionaries. It is okay. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sunday the 21st of December

We zipped up to Culasi for church this morning. I wanted to meet Francis Garcia about preparing for his mission and getting his papers going. We had a nice meeting and a "Godly Walk", as there is no place to meet at the house/chapel. We had a nice meeting.

Elder Robertson is the group leader now and presided over the meetings. Elder Kellerstrass conducted. The new Elders bore testimonies and Elder Egama's was very strong. He is from Mindanao and I expect he will be a leader missionary very soon.

We took desks to the Tibiao Elders, which was our real reason for going back up today. We bought a desk at Gaisano's and one that was hand made from a furniture maker here. The hand made desk only cost 2000 pesos, 1500 less than the store bought pressed sawdust beauty we found. They were pleased to have them and they had 13 at Sacrament this morning. Culasi attendance was about 40.

Sister Ortega told Sister Sessions the story of her son, when their family lived in Iloilo. Sister Orgeta was working and each afternoon, her son was to report to where she worked right after school. He did so, but he started arriving wet with sweat and Sister Ortega asked, "What is going on?" He replied "Nothing. Everything is alright." This behavior went on for a long time.

When it came time for young Brother Ortega to go on his mission, he had saved 18,000 pesos by running and walking to meet Sister Ortega after school, rather than riding a trike or jeepney. Faithful . . .

Culasi Elder's apartment and meeting house. It is meager, but the Spirit knows where it is.

The group has already outgrown the meeting place, but they need abut 6 more full tithe paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders to become a branch. The members here are faithful and I expect this will all come to happen before long. The Lord is expanding the Church here in Antique with the help of his missionaries.

From the left: Francis Garcia, Elder Robertson, Elder Coronel, Elder Egame, and Elder Kellerstrass. Interesting to see the growth of the Elders. The Lord leans on them and they get stronger and grow. Pretty cool (astig).
I saw John and Marisett at Tibiao. John told me is making 150 hooks for an order he has to fill.
That is a ten peso piece, about the size of a quarter. These are the hand made hooks I bought from John.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Biyernes ang 19 sa Decyembre

Friday . . . It has been a pretty good day. We picked up Elders Daniels and Comilang from the zone leader's apartment and drove them up to Tibiao. We helped them move and helped them get some needed things (table, dish storage shelf, mirror . . . ). We still need to find them a couple of desks. We drove up to Culasi, about two hours, and helped them move Elder Comilang's belongings from Culasi to Tibiao. We took them to lunch at Mama Mias and had a couple of opportunities to OYM. We saw the Elders at Culasi and photographed them with their new companions.
From Left: Elder Robertson (new district leader), Elder Coronel (brand new from Peru, by way of Florida), Elder Kellerstrass (training Elder Egama), Elder Egama, Elder Daniels and Elder Comilang. Elder Comilang is the veteran, going home next transfer.
We OYM'd the neighbors in Tibiao. John and Marisett. John is a fisherman. He makes his own paddles for his boat and he was making his own hooks outside his house. I bought two. It was amazing to watch him. Marisett was washing clothes, sitting on a stool that was about 4 inches tall. They were really nice and I told them the missionaries would be over to teach them. They were agreeable.
John uses a very heavy stainless steel wire and hand tools to form his hooks. First he files a point and a barb, then with his pliers and touch, he forms the hook. He snips off the length and forms the eye and they gives it a little extra touch-up to make sure it is sharp. He had a bunch of hooks made and hung just left and below his left hand. He makes two sizes, one larger than the other, but both are pretty large hooks.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Huwebes ang 17 sa Decyembre

Good day today. We walked and I felt pretty darn good.

President Amar and I went to Bugasong to meet with President Tandoy and train him on interviewing and conducting branch presidency meeting and branch council. We had a fine video that President Aquino gave us for training and we had a really good training. President Amar asked if Pres. Tandoy had ever had any training like this before and we were told that this was the first training on specific things that he has had. We assigned him to read chapter 4 in Handbook 2 Sunday when we were there. He did his assignment and we had a great discussion on meeting and agendas.

Sister S took a bunch of pictures of the Christmas Trees (contest) through Oton, on the way into Iloilo.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Martes ang 16 Deceyembre

Tuesday morning. We just got home from district meetings. It was pretty good, but all the young missionaries were late. It is a problem for me, and I expect it will be a problem for them as they get into the real world. The Lord does not operate that way. I always think of President Hinckley telling us to, "Be on time, early."

We went to Iloilo yesterday and put the English test certificates in cargo for those we tested last week. It was a problem to get them finished as our computer was not working, but it is done now.

We took Elders Singley and Ortiz to the Day Inn for lunch. It was just an okay lunch, but the two AP's headed home this morning and we wanted to spend time with Elder Ortiz particularly. He was pretty low. He said it was low iron in the blood, but I think he is plain tired from the last weeks and he is not all that excited about going home and facing new challenges. The mission is truly a place of refuge and learning.

I painted a portrait of a little lady that works at the Day Inn restaurant. She has sort of a classic Asian appearance and I took a picture of her about a month ago. We took the picture for her and it was her day off. I placed a "Plan of Salvation" pamphlet in the folder with the picture. I wish I would have taken a picture of the portrait. It is the best I have done thus far. I was pretty duh!!! yesterday. I took no pictures of the porrtait, or of the Elders. I have some here of Elder Ortiz. I did take pictures of magnificent clouds that built up over the mountains west of the city.

President Amar repaired our computer yesterday and he is supposed to come over this morning and teach Tagalog. I have not studied for two weeks. I will need to review with him this morning. While waiting for him, I discovered that all our pictures, before the mission and during, that I hadsaved on the laptop are gone. So are all document files. Whoa. . . .hope that Pres. Amar's friend did something to back up the files when they worked it over. Man. . . . Maybe I don't have pictures of Elder Ortiz.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Decyembre ang 14

Linggo alas siyete am

Getting a few things done this morning before we head to Bugasong with President Amar for meetings. Sister Taylor, now home in the US, has helped us get certificates printed for the missionaries we tested at the mission home last week. All the senior missionary computers have problems. Elder Streng's is a Mac and it has fewest, actually it has none, but it is older and one can't plug in things as easily. Also, they are in Kalibo at the northern end of the island and it is tough to get things done with them.

It has been a tough few weeks. President Amar was wrongly accused of a crime, assaulted, thrown in jail, had to be taken to the hospital, was finally exonerated of all charges and released. His little girl was mistakenly given kerosene mixed with her milk in her bottle. Thankfully it was mixed with milk and she threw up the mix. But she spent some time in the hospital.

The good side is, the Lord never rests. While in the hospital, President Amar taught two men and one of their wives about the church and they are getting prepared for baptism. Joseph is one of the guys. We hit it off pretty fast. He is a guy type guy.

We had District Priesthood Meeting yesterday, but a total of 21 attended including the leadership (2 of 5 Branch Presidents, one counselor, two of the district presidency and only 1 full time missionary whose companion is now in the office as an AP). The good part is the 5 who are advancing to the Melchizedek Priesthood attended and were sustained There should have been more, but . . .

The Christmas Programs were fun. Visiting with the other senior missionaries was fun. Seeing some of our favorite missionaries was super. Meeting new, upcoming favorites was good too. Being one of the actors in the skits was fun. I played king Noah who turned into a game show host in and RM's dream. It is a long story. I brought down the house with my line, "siyempre eh". Not sure why. I guess because it was native speech from an old fat white man. It was delivered after the RM tells the story of the First Vision. It means, "Of Course!". Filipino humor. They loved it and we sang and everyone had a fine time.

Sister Streng taught me about plant based eating. I watched the videos she recommended and started the program yesterday. It was a tough day, other than the fruit. It is tough finding things I like to eat. Last night I made some lentil soup and through in some rice noodles. It tasted a lot like sucking on cardboard. I have been knocking down the little native bananas, which I love. I have some mangoes and I am trying to make some red beans for red beans and rice. We will see. My hopes are high.
Elder Tolentino and Elder Tracy (middle) are companions. They were pretty much into the native dance. Elder Kellerstrass in the rear, concentrating on his steps. . . 

Anyway, another week down. It was stressful and joyful at the same time. We look forward to going back to Iloilo tomorrow and taking Elder Ortiz to lunch, with his companion. He will be leaving in a few days, so we want to see him and wish him well and we hope to keep up with him in his life. He is the Filipino son we didn't know we had.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Decyembre ang 12

Friday Morning:

We had two pretty stressful days in Iloilo doing CLS testing with the going home Elders. Our computers went south on us, but with the help of Elder and Sister Robinson and Elder and Sister Streng, we got them tested. I am still fighting my computer, which completed one test, then crashed big time.

We attended Christmas programs in the afternoons. The programs were done by zones. Our zone was celebrating yesterday. I will add pictures in a few minutes.

Sister S and I stayed at Days Inn and it was pretty nice. We had a wonderful breakfast yesterday morning and went back there with Strengs for lunch. It was nice and relaxing. We were pretty tired, so we left last night after gift exchange and dinner. We were so full from lunch that we ate very lightly, but enjoyed the missionaries and the festivities.

Major blessing, according to President Aquino . . . two pigs both nights. There was plenty of food and it was quite good.
Elders from our zone . . . from left to right, Elders Suerte, Guzman, Gan, Maneja, Dacutan, Comilang, Olivar and Nocom
Elders visiting with a sister. Elder Orr, Elder Kellerstrass behind E. Orr and Elder Robrtson grinning. Elder Tolentino standing middle.
Elder Seeds overseeing one of the games.
Elders Tolentino (middle), Elder Tracy and Elder Kellerstrass rocking out in the native dance during the zone program. Can't tell who the guy in front is as the camera was focused on Elder Tolentino.
Zone in the background. Sister Aquino and her RM son in front.

From Left: Elder Gaco (new AP), President Aquino, Elder Ortiz (going home AP and a great man) Elder Seeds and Elder Swan.
 It was a very good time for the Elders and Sisters. There were some sad faces as the Elders and Sisters going home in the next few days realized that this is almost over for them.

Hot this morning. I am catching up on my journal, Djulito is here cleaning the place. I will get the car washed and Sister Sessions is cleaning house. The Elders and Sisters are all still in Iloilo, traveling back I assume. Not much going on here beside HEAT and humidity.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Decyembre 9

Tuesday. . .  District Meetings this morning. We had a great lesson by Elder Maneja. I think it was for me. It was all about judging others. We talked about the Savior, the only perfect judge, and how he did not ever judge others. Instead, he showed them mercy because of his love.

Elder talked about Stephen R. Covey and how he was the mission president for Elder Taylor (senior missionary who just went home from the Iloilo Mission.) President Covey taught that to be less judgemental, we must magnify our callings. In doing so, we do not judge. There could be no time to think negatively of others. We think only to serve others. We are to be examples, not critics. It was a fine lesson.

We practiced for the Christmas skits. I will try for many pictures. It will be fun. Sister Sessions and I leave in the morning early to do ELS language testing for missionaries who are heading home soon. Our Christmas Conference will be Thursday.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Decyembre ang 8

 P-day. Sister Sessions is cleaning. I have been painting a little and trying to get the desktop to connect to the Internet, with no success. This thing seems to connect.

I put pictures and a message on Facebook yesterday morning using the I pad, but it did not get published. I tried to show that we had a little wind, but no problems.

Church yesterday was Sacrament Meeting only. It was a good meeting. The wind blew a while, then it rained just a little.

In the afternoon there was a brownout. A tower in Miagao fell, for whatever reason. . . Not strong enough wind to bother a good tee shot. They got power back about 7:00. It was actually the most pleasent day we have had. We opened all the windows and the breeze was nice and cool. I sat out on the porch and read scriptures. Sister Sessions made a ton of cookies and took them to the missionaries at their apartment. We went for a drive around Sibalom and out to Hamtic. The waves were about 2 feet, maybe.

This morning we had a good rain storm, but it only lasted about 10 minutes, but it ruined our walk. Maybe we'll go later this evening.

It appears that the typhoon turned back west and will be just below Manila about 60 KM maybe tomorrow. The reports say the winds are not terrible, but it appears, from the little bit of news I have been able to find, that flooding is a worry. We have heard that there have been no deaths.

All is fine here. Boring . . . We have nothing to do. We may go practice the Christmas skit for Wednesday festivities at the Mission Home, but that is not til 2:00 pm. I have taken no pictures for a few days. Looks like prayers worked, at least for the Iloilo Mission.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Ang Dec. 6

6:21 pm. The typhoon has affected the mission. I don't think there has been much going on in the way of sharing the Gospel these last few days. All the missionaries seem to be gathered at a few locations and they are doing, whatever. Perhaps that is their direction from Pres. Aquino. 

The typhoon appears to be north of Panay and seems to be heading in a north westerly path. It is very difficult to get accurate news, not on the television, or even on the internet. I have gone with the US Navy weather site. The alert system has Iloilo and Antique at level 1. That would be accurate. We have had winds this afternoon of about 18-20 mph. . . no big deal. And, we have had no rain. The skies are pretty clear right now and I could see the glow of the sunset over the trees. 

We walked this morning and took some foods to a member in the hospital. We cleaned up and went to buy rugs, broom and dust pan, pillows, etc. for the new zone leader's apartment. After that we had a rice lunch at Chow King and we have just been hanging out for the evening. 

I have read in the D&C and watched a Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes on Youtube. . . Circa 1946. Old Basil was a good one. 

Fast Sunday tomorrow. I am looking forward to Sacrament and the rest of the instruction and company. I fast for the typhoon to just fade out and I fast for those who will be affected if it does not fade.  It has been downgraded to a typhoon from super-typhoon, but still it may cause problems in the path. 

Here is a picture outside San Jose Chapel. Looks like a painting already. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 4

Disiyembre ang 4

Mission Presidency meeting yesterday in Iloilo. It was a good meeting. I expressed the many concerns I have for Antique District. President Villoso concurred with my assessment. President Aquino directed patience. We talked about many things, but it appears that the 3 districts, Antique, Guimaras, and Jordan are having the same problems. Antique has been suffering the longest, but we were all encouraged by President Aquino to be patient, teach correct principles, encourage scripture reading and handbook study, and be patient. Whoa. . .

Sister Sessions and I had to hurry yesterday as I had my language lesson with Pres. Amar and then we hit the road. We hurried to MacDonalds for some lunch. We had planned to go to the Moon Cafe for an attempted Mexican food lunch, but time was too short.

Sister Sessions had a chance to visit with the Office Elders/AP's and arrange some ELS testing for next wee. We will return to Iloilo for Christmas programs and tests on the 10th. We plan to stay at the Day's Inn that night and our Christmas program is on the 11th. We need to make reservations I suppose.

It was a long trip home in the dark last evening. We saw the Hamtic B missionaries and stopped to visit them. They are worried about typhoon Hagupit which is now out to sea, but approaching. We may feel the effects, and it may hit us, and it may ??? It will not be as nasty as Yolanda according to the US Navy. So, whatever. . .

Today we are going to try to meet Sister Gallarga and give her her mission call. We are excited to see her and hope President Nabong will be present. If he is, we will have him give her the calling papers as he is her BP and I think that would be cool for him to hand her her papers. I will try to get pictures. President Aquino directed me to instruct Pres. Nabong to interview her for her temple recommend and she will report to the mission home on 29 January. Pres. Aquino will set her apart and sign her recommend and she will fly out to the MTC on the 30th. Don't know which MTC, or to where she is called. It will be fun to find out.

Jeepney filled with coconuts. The side view was blurred, but it was riding low, totally filled with coconuts. It must be a harvest time for these. They are stacked all over at chungies right now. 
Here is something I have never seen, nor have any that I have talked with. This is a coconut (referring to the tree itself) that has a single trunk that forks into three about 5 feet above the ground. The three trunks are over powering the main trunk ant the owners are propping it up. Very weird.
Maybe some additions this evening . . .